Coscinocera hercules (Miskin, 1876)



< Wingspan: 195 mm >




< Wingspan: 203 mm >


Specimen courtesy of David Lane


Coscinocera hercules egg


Coscinocera hercules 1st instar larva a few hours after hatching.


Coscinocera hercules eggs



Coscinocera hercules 1st instar larva (ex female Daintree, Queensland)


Coscinocera hercules 2nd instar larva (ex female Daintree, Queensland)


Coscinocera hercules 2nd instar larva (ex female Daintree, Queensland)


Coscinocera hercules early 3rd instar larva (ex female Daintree, Queensland)


Coscinocera hercules late 3rd instar larva (ex female Daintree, Queensland)


Coscinocera hercules 4th instar larva (ex female Daintree, Queensland)



Coscinocera hercules 5th instar larva (ex female Daintree, Queensland)


Coscinocera hercules 5th instar larva (ex female Daintree, Queensland)





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©Bjørn M. Fjellstad 2006